¿Nuevas regulaciones de criptomonedas en Hong Kong: ¿se avecina un nuevo impulso alcista?

Hong Kong Crypto Regulations

The Impending Crypto Boom in Hong Kong

The next crypto bull market could begin in less than 24 hours. That's because Hong Kong will be legalizing retail crypto investing and trading. This could cause billions of dollars of inflows into BTC and the largest altcoins, resulting in a massive and sustained rally. So today, I'm going to tell you everything you need to know about Hong Kong's crypto regulations, reveal which cryptos will benefit the most, and explain why there might be a dump before there's a pump.

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Background of Hong Kong's Crypto Regulations

Once upon a time, Hong Kong was pro-crypto and it became a major crypto hub after China first cracked down on the industry during the 2017-2018 bull market. The biggest crypto companies and projects on the mainland were able to migrate to the administrative state due to the so-called one country two systems constitutional arrangement. This arrangement allowed Hong Kong to have laws and government structures that are different from those in China. However, this constitutional arrangement ended in mid-2020 after a controversial national security law was passed in Hong Kong, leading to protests and a subsequent ban on retail crypto trading and investing in late 2020. Even though institutional crypto trading and investment continued, it was enough to scare most of the crypto industry offshore. Now, after considering legalizing retail crypto trading once again, Hong Kong's crypto regulations are set to come into force on the 1st of June.

  • Concerns about Retail Access
  • Requirements for Crypto Exchanges
  • Possible Restrictions for Institutional Investors

Potential Impact of the Regulations

Given the upcoming changes in regulations, there could be a potential impact on the crypto market. Although the presence of any immediate inflows from retail combined with a possible decline in institutional investment could cause crypto to dump rather than pump, the regulations also offer a silver lining. Retail investors in Hong Kong will still be allowed to invest in large-cap cryptos and self-custody their crypto. However, Hong Kong's adherence to the fatf's so-called crypto recommendations may create issues for retail investors attempting to access restricted coins, tokens, or services on-chain.

Which Cryptos Will Benefit?

Nobody knows for certain which cryptos will benefit the most from Hong Kong's retail crypto regulations, as the SFC hasn't provided a list of acceptable cryptos yet. Based on the SFC's criteria, it's likely that Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Bitcoin Cash, Polkadot, Solana, Cardano, Avalanche, Polygon, and Chainlink will all be available to retail investors in Hong Kong very soon. However, the actual list may be much longer. Chinese State-affiliated banks are reportedly catering to crypto clients in Hong Kong, and some exchanges have already announced the cryptos they plan to list.

  • Potential Cryptos Retail Investors Can Access
  • Exchanges Listing Cryptocurrencies
  • Impact of Stablecoins and Other Altcoins

Potential International Implications

Hong Kong's crypto adoption could cause international issues due to concerns from the Financial Action Task Force (FATF). There are implications for countries that do not comply with FATF's recommendations, which could lead to restrictions in financial interactions. Hong Kong's crypto adoption could also potentially strain relations with the United States and create friction with the global financial system.

Impact on China's Crypto Adoption

Hong Kong's sudden crypto adoption could set the stage for China to follow suit. China could use Hong Kong as a testing ground for its own crypto adoption, potentially leveraging crypto for trade with its allies. This could lead to widespread crypto adoption in mainland China and have bullish implications for the crypto industry.


Hong Kong's crypto regulations pose both opportunities and challenges for the crypto market. The upcoming changes could significantly impact the industry and potentially set the stage for wider crypto adoption in China. While there are potential risks associated with the new regulations, there are also significant opportunities for growth and development in the crypto space.

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